china earthquake administration中文什么意思

发音:   用"china earthquake administration"造句
  • china:    n. 瓷器;瓷料,白瓷土,瓷质黏土。 ...
  • earthquake:    n. 1.地震。 2.大变动,动乱。 ...
  • administration:    n. 1.管理,掌管,经营;〔英国〕 ...
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  1. Institute of geology , china earthquake administration , beijing , 100029
    中国地震局地质研究所,北京, 100029
  2. On april 17th , the inaugural meeting of peking university - china earthquake administration joint research center in modern seismology was held at overseas exchange center , pku
  3. Based on the requirement in the ninth five years key project " 95 - 04 - 02 " of china earthquake administration , these observations were reconstructed both in digitalization and environment , and better effects have been achieved
    根据中国地震局“九五”重点项目“ 95 - 04 - 02 ”的要求,对胜利油田地下流体观测手段进行了数字化观测技术改造和观测环境改造,取得了较好的效果。
  4. China association for disaster prevention ( cadp ) was established in 1987 , it is a nationwide comprehensive social organization and supervised by ministry of science and technology of prc and administrated under china earthquake administration


The China Earthquake Administration (CEA), () is mandated by the Law of the People's Republic of China on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters of PRC to enforce the earthquake administration in the nation under the administration of State Council of the People's Republic of China.


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